When we talk of natural foods, we include those that can be eaten raw, those that are naturally derived and those that are unrefined and unprocessed.
A diet that is high in fresh fruits and vegetables, unprocessed cereals, sprouted grains, nuts, seeds and yogurt, can make you look and feel much better. It makes your skin clear, glowing and lustrous ; and your body figure slim and supple.
Our mother Nature is actually the best physician. She gives us fruits and vegetables that are needed by the body for the different seasons. In summer, for instance, we get fruits and vegetables that contain more water like melons, cucumber and gourds(lauki).
They help to replace the water that is lost through perspiration. Similarly, in winter, we got those fruits and vegetables, which are beneficial to the body in cold weather. Vitamin C helps to strengthen our body from colds and coughs.
Green leafy vegetables are also rich in Vit C and many minerals. Winter is the season for greens, like "palak" , "methi" and "sarson ka saag" . Lettuce is also easily available in winter. In winter the body also needs more Vit A. So, have plenty of orange, papaya and carrots. Amla is also available in winter and is probably the best source of Vit C. It is said that the Vit C in amla is so stable and is not destroyed by heat. The juice of raw amla can be taken daily, diluted with a glass of water and one teaspoon honey. In winter, we get plenty of oranges and "mousambi" (sweet lime) as they are rich source of Vit C.

Winter special
Hot soups can be delicious during winter. They can be easily made by boiling vegetables in water. You can make a mixed veg soup with potatoes, carrots, turnip, peas, tomato and so on. You can also make spinach soup. Fresh mushrooms, available in winter make good soups too, specially if you add a little milk.
Miraculous Herbs
Ginkgo Biloba
Derived from the world's oldest living species of tree, it is the most important plant-based medicine available. As more than three hundred studies demonstrate, ginkgo facilitates better blood flow throughout the body, notably the brain, where it both protects and promotes memory and mental functions, even for people with Alzheimer's disease.
Medicinal properties :
# Tones and stimulates the circulatory system
# Reduces swelling
# Anti asthmatic
# Antioxidant
# Antispasmodic
# Antiallergenic
Ginkgo Biloba
Derived from the world's oldest living species of tree, it is the most important plant-based medicine available. As more than three hundred studies demonstrate, ginkgo facilitates better blood flow throughout the body, notably the brain, where it both protects and promotes memory and mental functions, even for people with Alzheimer's disease.
Medicinal properties :
# Tones and stimulates the circulatory system
# Reduces swelling
# Anti asthmatic
# Antioxidant
# Antispasmodic
# Antiallergenic
Caffeine column
Caffeine is probably the most frequently ingested pharmacologically active substance in the world. It is found in common beverages (coffee, tea, soft drinks), in products containing cocoa or chocolate, and in medications.
Based on the data reviewed, it is concluded that for the healthy adult population, moderate daily caffeine intake at a dose level up to 400 mg day(-1) (equivalent to 6 mg kg(-1) body weight day(-1) in a 65-kg person) is not associated with adverse effects such as general toxicity, cardiovascular effects, effects on bone status and calcium balance (with consumption of adequate calcium), changes in adult behaviour, increased incidence of cancer and effects on male fertility. The data also show that reproductive-aged women and children are 'at risk' subgroups who may require specific advice on moderating their caffeine intake. Based on available evidence, it is suggested that reproductive-aged women should consume </=300 mg caffeine per day (equivalent to 4.6 mg kg(-1) bw day(-1) for a 65-kg person) while children should consume </=2.5 mg kg(-1) bw day(-1).
Mayo Clinic staff : If you rely on caffeine to wake you up and keep you going, you aren't alone. Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system, alleviating fatigue, increasing wakefulness, and improving concentration and focus.
When to consider cutting back
For most healthy adults, moderate doses of caffeine — 200 to 300 milligrams (mg), or about two to four cups of brewed coffee a day — aren't harmful. But some circumstances may warrant limiting or even ending your caffeine routine. Read on to see if any of these apply to you.
You drink 4 or more cups a day
Although moderate caffeine intake isn't likely to cause harm, too much can lead to some unpleasant effects. Heavy daily caffeine use — more than 500 to 600 mg a day — may cause :
- Insomnia
- Nervousness
- Restlessness
- Irritability
- Stomach upset
- Fast heartbeat
- Muscle tremors
- Even a little makes you jittery
Some people are more sensitive to caffeine than are others. If you're susceptible to the effects of caffeine, just small amounts — even one cup of coffee or tea — may prompt unwanted effects, such as restlessness and sleep problems.
How you react to caffeine may be determined in part by how much caffeine you're used to drinking. People who don't regularly drink caffeine tend to be more sensitive to its negative effects. Other factors may include body mass, age, medication use and health conditions such as anxiety disorders. Research also suggests that men are more susceptible to the effects of caffeine than are women.