Some interesting facts n figures

Did you know ?

◾32 grams of fiber is necessary in our daily diet to maintain a good digestive system and quality life.

◾40-50% of nutrients are lost within 6 hours in vegetables after harvesting.

◾10-11 times pesticides are sprayed on farms at present.

◾Omega-3 is a good fat and has an anti-inflammatory property.

◾1% of calcium obtained from our diet: Helps in Blood clotting, Regulates heart beat, proper messaging/coordination in Nervous System, Stimulates Hormone secretion.

◾Rest 99% of calcium is used to maintain healthy bones and teeth.

◾Eating seasonal vegetables & fruits is beneficial.

◾A plucked fruit within 6 hours retains antioxidant properties.

◾Our body does not store proteins; it needs to be replenished daily.

◾Protein found in animal source also contains bad fats & cholesterol.

◾Soybean extracts contain 90% of good protein.

◾Chromium, zinc and magnesium are used to activate insulin.

◾Magnesium is an antistress component.

◾Plant source of calcium exist in bicarbonate form.

◾Fiber helps in absorption and maintains healthy gastrointestinal tract.

◾10-11 times pesticides are sprayed on farms at present

◾60% of cardiac patients in the world are Indians since 2010.

◾Indian Diabetic market is the fastest growing market in the world. By 2020 India will have the largest diabetic population in the world.

◾More than 60% of Indian women are anemic,45% of them reside in urban area, 70-90% pregnant women are affected “By 2010 the country will have a staggering 100 million people afflicted by heart disease”

-         Dr. Tilak Lal, Cardiologist

◾Healthcare spending would increase from Rs 86,000 crore in 2001 to  Rs 200,000 crore plus by 2012
◾Private healthcare spending in likely to more than double from Rs 69,000 crore to Rs 156,000 crore in 2012

-         CII - Mckinsey study     

◾A third of males and more than half of the females belonging to upper middle class in India are currently overweight, this amounts to 40-50 million overweight Indians

◾WHO estimates that 60% of the cardiac patients in the world will be Indian by 2010. (Time magazine)

◾By 2030, Asia is expected to have 190 million Diabetes cases, more than half of them in India & China.

◾By 2020, scientists expect 40 million people will suffer from osteoarthritis. (Time magazine)

◾Scientists say that the percentage of overweight/obese people in India is on track to rise from 9% in 1995 to 24% in 2025.(Time magazine)

◾More than 500,000 premature deaths in India are caused by atmospheric pollution each year. (UN Report)